How to Access your Software

LeaderGuide Pro is not cloud-based.

Adding LeaderGuide Pro to your computer is different than other apps. Follow these steps to get started. Or, schedule time for us to help you.

Close Word, if it is open.


Choose 64-bit or 32-bit. And SAVE the download to your computer.



  • Go to your C drive

    Look for Program Files

    And look for Program Files (x86)

    If you see both Program Files and Program Files (x86) then you are 64-bit

    If you only see Program Files you are 32-bit

Look in your Downloads folder for either:

  • LGPro15x64Installer


  • LGPro15x32Installer

Click on the installer to add LeaderGuide Pro to your computer.

  • You will see a couple of messages.

  • Say “Yes” to allow the install to run.

  • Click Finish when prompted.

  • LeaderGuide Pro is a managed COM add-in to Microsoft Word. Full system admin privileges are required to run the install, so you may need to ask IT to run the install for you. Also feel free to contact us for assistance.

Open Word and look along the top of your screen.

  • Click on the LeaderGuide Pro tab.

  • This will bring up the LeaderGuide Pro ribbon.

visual of the LeaderGuide Pro tab along the top of the screen in Word

About the LeaderGuide Pro Ribbon

Use the LeaderGuide Pro ribbon to build your facilitator guides and participant guides.

Do not use Word’s ribbon and buttons while working with LeaderGuide Pro.

red x indicating do not do this

Hover over a ribbon button to see a screen tip about what the button does for you.

Do not use Word’s Undo function after clicking a button on the LeaderGuide Pro ribbon.

red x indicating do not do this

You must activate the software with a key 

Click Act’n DeAct on the LeaderGuide Pro ribbon to open the Activation wizard.

Follow the prompts to have an activation key emailed to you.

step 2

Paste in the activation key and get started with your free trial or license.

step three

An activation key is required for both the Free Trial and to run your license.

Pointing to text to draw attention

Start building Facilitator Guides & Participant Guides with LeaderGuide Pro

Create Slides within a Facilitator Guide

Extract a Participant Guide from a Facilitator Guide

Attach a Different Collection to a Facilitator Guide

Start a new Participant Guide with slides

Add an Assessment to a Facilitator Guide