AuthorTec AutoCorrect

Backup and Restore AutoCorrect and AutoText

 How this tool helps you

You know that moment when you realize you have to manually restore all that stuff you’ve carefully built up?

You don’t ever have to go there again.

AuthorTec AutoCorrect performs two time-saving tasks for you:

  1. An easy to access Backup copy of your AutoCorrect and AutoText entries is created and saved for you.

  2. Your AutoCorrect and AutoText entries are easily restored if an update wipes you clean, or when you get a new computer.

illustration of a computer screen with a correct answer and an incorrect answer
Illustration - Woman at a laptop with an expression of unhappy surprise

Why not just use backup copies of my Normal Template & AutoCorrect Library file?

  • Because replacing the Normal template or the AutoCorrect Library (ACL) destroys any customizations that you’ve added to those files on the computer you are updating. 

  • And, ACL files are not compatible between Windows and Mac environments; and, in some cases, are not compatible between versions of Microsoft 365.

There’s one more thing …

  • The plain text AutoCorrect Library is limited to 65,536 entries.

  • You could reach that maximum. While it is rare, you don’t want to go there.

You are in luck!

AuthorTec AutoCorrect will warn you when you are approaching the 65,536 entries limit.

Because Word will unceremoniously crash if you exceed the ACL limitation.

Illustration of a happy man sitting at a desk looking at a laptop computer