
 Working with the Instructional Strategies Section

Instructional Strategies page in the Learning Design Tool template

The Instructional Strategies section contains placeholders for the following information...

  1. Delivery Format

    • Describe how the course is to be delivered and why this delivery method was selected.

  2. Adult Learning Strategies for the Course

    • Describe the motivational framework for learner participation, achievement and evaluation.

  3. Learner Achievement Activities

    • Describe the activities that assess the learner’s attainment of the course objectives.

  4. Evaluation Plan

    • Describe the strategies that will be used to evaluate the success of the course.

 How to Add Delivery Format Information

Instructional Strategies Delivery Format
  1. Place your cursor in the gray shaded area under the Delivery Format heading.

  2. Type in a description of how the course content is delivered and explain why this method(s) was selected.

  3. Or, copy content from another document and paste it in using the Paste Unformatted button on the Learning Design Tool ribbon.

Paste Unformatted button on the Learning Design Tool ribbon

 How to Add Adult Learning Strategies for the Course

Adult Learning Strategies
  1. Place your cursor in the gray shaded area under Description and next to Involvement.

    • Enter a description of how the learner is involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

  2. Move to Experience

    • Enter a description of how the learners' experience and background is integrated into their instruction.

  3. Move to Relevance

    • Enter a description of how the the learners are shown the relevance and impact of their instruction.

  4. Move to Problem-Centered

    • Enter a description of how the instruction is problem-centered versus content-oriented.

 About the Learner Achievement Activities Table

Learner Achievement Activities automation field in Learning Design Tool template

The Learner Achievement Activities table is a placeholder that you will populate by using the automated Learner Achievement function.

  • You must add Learning Objectives in the Instructional Analysis section of your design document before you can add Learner Achievement Activities.

  • Click the Learner Achievement button on the Learning Design Tool ribbon to initiate the Learner Achievement function.

Learner Achievement automation button on the Learning Design Tool ribbon
Learner Achievement Activities Question
  • You will be asked if you would like to add Learner Achievement Activities for both your terminal and enabling learning objectives, or for only your terminal objectives.  

  • After you answer the question, the Learner Achievement Activities table will populate with either your terminal and enabling learning objectives or only your terminal objectives.

How to Build Out the Learner Achievement Table

Here is an example of what the Learner Achievement Table looks like after a terminal and enabling learning objective has been added.

  • You will complete this section by adding achievement activity types and briefly describing the activities and how learner feedback is provided.

Example of the Learner Achievement Table populated with learning objectives
  1. Click where it says "Click to choose a type of activity" next to Terminal Objective 1.0

  2. You will be presented with a list of achievement activities that align with the level of learning. Select an activity type.

Learner Achievement steps 1-2

3. Immediately below the activity type, type in a brief description of the assessment activity.

4. To the right of the activity type, enter a description of how learner feedback is to be provided.

5. Continue working logically down your list of objectives.

Learner Achievement steps 3-4

Smart User Tip

Customize the Learner Achievement Activities, including the:

  • Activity Titles

  • Activity Descriptions

  • Feedback Descriptions

Learn about customizing the Learner Achievement Activities.

 How to Add an Evaluation Plan

Instructional Strategies Evaluation Plan
  1. Place your cursor in the gray shaded area under the Evaluation Plan heading.

  2. Type in or paste in a description of  the strategies that will be used to evaluate the success of the course.

    • If pasting, remember to use the Paste Unformatted button on the Learning Design Tool ribbon.

  3. Do not type in the area containing the red text, and do not delete the Section Break.

    • The red text is non-printing. It will not appear in your finished document, but it is needed by the Learning Design Tool while you are building your design document.