AuthorTec AutoCorrect

How to Use

Note for legacy users of AuthorTec AutoCorrect only: This tool is located on the Developer tab in Word.


AuthorTec AutoCorrect performs two major tasks.

  1. Backup AutoCorrect and AutoText entries

  2. Restore AutoCorrect and AutoText entries

Both functions can be performed on multiple files at once to save you from having to perform these tasks manually, one file at a time.

Key Points

  • You can backup and restore AutoText entries.

  • You can also backup and restore two types of AutoCorrect entries:

    • Plain Text AutoCorrect entries and

    • Formatted Text AutoCorrect entries.

  • Formatted AutoCorrect entries and AutoText entries are stored in Word's Normal.dotm template.

  • Plain text Autocorrect entries are stored in special AutoCorrect Libraries (ACL) designated by user and by language type.

  • On a computer running a Windows operating system these ACL files are in the following path:

    \Users\<User Home Directory>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\

    On a computer running a Mac operating system these ACL files are in the following path:

    /Users/<User Home Directory>/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/

Why Use AuthorTec AutoCorrect to Backup

Why not just make a backup copy of the Normal template and the ACL (Auto Correct Library) file from one computer, and replace them on the other computer?

  1. ACL files are not compatible between Windows and Mac environments and in some cases, are not compatible between versions of Office.

  2. Fully replacing either the ACL or Normal template, destroys any customizations that existed in those files on the other computer. 


The Plain Text AutoCorrect Library (ACL) is limited to 65,536 entries. At some point in time as you continue to add custom entries, it is rare, but you could reach that maximum. This tool will warn you when you are approaching that limit and it does so because Word will unceremoniously crash if you exceed the ACL limitation. So, keep an eye on how many entries you currently have in your existing ACL library and how many you might be adding individually or in batch when using the restore function of this add-in.

How to Backup AutoCorrect & AutoText

Click the AuthorTec tab along the top of your screen in Word.

Click AutoCorrect/AutoText on the AuthorTec ribbon.

Select Backup AutoCorrect/AutoText Entries

Use the Backup AutoCorrect & AutoText dialog for:

  • Plain text AutoCorrects

  • Formatted AutoCorrects

  • Formatted AutoText

  1. Select Backup

  2. Choose All or Selective

  3. When ready, click OK.

You will be asked where you want to place the backup files.

  • Click OK and navigate to the folder you would like to use.

  • This can be any folder that you can access from your computer.

  • Remember this location because you will need it when you want to run a Restore.

If All is chosen:

  • The scrollable list of entries is locked.

If Selective is chosen:

  • The scrollable list of the entries to mark is enabled.

  • Scroll the list and select the specific entries to back up by clicking on them.

  • Multiple consecutive entries can be marked by holding down the Shift key when selecting the first and last entry.

  • Selected entries become highlighted in blue.

  • If you begin selecting individual entries and then decide to back up All:

    • You don't have to clear your individually selected entries.

    • Selecting All overrides anything left selectively highlighted.

About the backup files:

  • The backup file for the Plain Text AutoCorrect entries is a simple text file with the name "AuthorTec_PlainText_AC_Entries.txt"

  • The Formatted AutoCorrect and Formatted AutoText entries are placed in a template file named ""

How to Restore AutoCorrect & AutoText

Before you start the Restore:

  • Make sure you know where your backup folder is, because you will be asked to navigate to it.

  • If you are restoring the entries to another computer:

    • That other computer will need access to the location where you have placed the backup files.

    • Or, put the backup folder on a jump drive.

Use the Restore AutoCorrect & AutoText dialog for:

  • Plain text AutoCorrects

  • Formatted AutoCorrects

  • Formatted AutoText

  1. Select Restore AutoCorrect/AutoText Entries

  2. You will be asked to select the folder whether your AuthorTec AutoCorrect/AutoText Backup files are located.

  3. Click OK and navigate to the folder.

  4. Choose All or Selective

  5. When ready, click OK.

If All is chosen:

  • The scrollable list of entries is locked.

If Selective is chosen:

  • The scrollable list of the entries to mark is enabled.

  • Scroll the list and select the specific entries to back up by clicking on them.

  • Multiple consecutive entries can be marked by holding down the Shift key when selecting the first and last entry.

  • Selected entries become highlighted in blue.

  • If you begin selecting individual entries and then decide to back up All:

    • You don't have to clear your individually selected entries.

    • Selecting All overrides anything left selectively highlighted.


Regarding duplicate entries:

  • AuthorTec will replace duplicates.

  • To override this, unmark the Replace Duplicates checkboxes.

Special Considerations Concerning AutoText

A major difference in AutoText entries versus Formatted AutoCorrect entries is:

  • Formatted AutoCorrect entries are always stored in the Normal.dotm template.

  • Formatted AutoText entries can be stored in any template and not just the Normal template.

Why is this important?

  • You may decide when Restoring your backed up Formatted AutoText entries that you want them restored to a custom template and not the Normal template. To do this:

    • Open a new document based on your custom template and then begin the Restore function of this add-in.

The Formatted AutoText entries that are copied from the backup file "" will be placed into the custom template attached to the open document and they will not be placed into the Normal template.

  • If you want the AutoText entries restored to the Normal template, then just start a New Document and run the Restore function with only this plain blank document open.


How to Access and Add to your AutoCorrect list in Word

By adding text entries in the AutoCorrect dialog box, you can configure Word to automatically complete a word, phrase, or sentence after you've typed only a few characters.

  1. Select the text you want to automatically insert.

  2. Click the File tab.

  3. Click Options.

  4. Click Proofing.

  5. Click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoCorrect tab.

    1. NOTE: You can skip steps 2 - 5 in the future by adding the AutoCorrect function to your Quick Access Tool bar.

  6. Select the Replace text as you type check box, if it is not already selected.

  7. Under Replace, type the characters that you want to use for your automatic text. The text that you selected in your document should appear under With.

    FYI: The AutoCorrect list is global across Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. Thus, when you add or delete a word from the list in one program, the other Office programs are also affected.

    Note: The AutoCorrect list in Word is limited to approximately 64,000 entries.

How to Add text to your Auto Text Gallery

AutoText entries are stored as building blocks. To create a new entry, use the Create New Building Block dialog box.

  • In your document, select the text that you want to add to your gallery of AutoText entries.

  • On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts, point to AutoText, and then click Save Selection to AutoText Gallery.

  • Fill out the information in the Create New Building Block dialog box. Most of the default values are fine, but including a unique name and description makes the AutoText easier to use.

    Name: Type a unique name for the AutoText building block.

    Gallery:  Select the AutoText gallery.

    Category: Select the General category, or create a new category.

    Description: Type a description of the building block.

    Save in: Click the name of the template in the drop-down list. For example, click Normal.

    A template must be open to be displayed in the drop-down list of template names.

    Options: Choose one of the following:

    • Select Insert content in its own page to place the building block on a separate page, set off from the rest of your content with page breaks.

    • Select Insert content in its own paragraph to make the content into its own paragraph, even if the user's cursor is in the middle of a paragraph.

    • Select Insert content only for all other content.